Sauna Rental FAQ
What is the minimum amount of hours I can rent the sauna for?
Our Premier Rustic Sauna is available to rented out hourly with a set up fee followed by an hourly rate.. This includes 1 hour to heat the stove up and 30 minutes to let it cool down.
Additional Hours can be added for $25/Hr up to a maximum of 12 total hours.
After that we recommend looking at our multi day rental rates.
How Do I Prepare For Delivery of the Portable Sauna?
Our Premier Rustic Sauna is relatively small with a footprint of only 5x8 feet including the wheels, And a height of just under 9 feet to the roof.
The stovepipe extends to over 9 feet in height.
This can easily be maneuvered into position on your driveway, Or in your backyard.
Please have a spot prepared, Tidy and ready to roll into for your booking, And ensure there is adequate clearance from nearby trees, Vehicles, Structures and other flammable material.
If your backyard is the choice, Please ensure your gate is more than 6 feet wide to accommodate the trailer width.
Otherwise, If the driveway is the spot, Ensure there is adequate room for the trailer to be setup and leveled.
If you don't have a driveway or backyard, Rustic Saunas can still accommodate you for a small fee, And we will keep the sauna hooked up to our tow vehicle for the duration of your session and leave it on the street.
What do i need to Do/Bring/Supply?
Guests using our portable sauna should be prepared to supply a minimum of 2 towels each. One to sit on, And one to dry yourself with. Both are brought into the sauna with you.
If you prefer to rent towels, Each person will require 2, With a charge of $10 per person. Or $5 Per towel. Let us know at checkout!
If you have a Bluetooth speaker, Feel free to bring it in.
But be sure to keep your electronics in the corner closest to the door and on the floor to keep them cool.
A Closable water bottle is also advisable, as you will be thirsty!
(No alcohol, Juice, Or open top cups please)
You will also need to add water to the bucket or spray bottle if you wish to increase the humidity during your session
(Highly Recommended)
Housecoats and slippers also make the temperature transitions more comfortable.
Other than that, You will only need yourself!
Rustic Saunas supplies everything else to make your experience unforgettable!
How Do I Use the Portable Sauna?
Rustic saunas understands many guests may be just experiencing sauna culture for the very first time!
We have made our sauna operation very simple and our Sauna Experts will provide a short training session as well as instructions for you and your guests.
For more information, Check out the How To Use Your Sauna Page here:
Can Children Use the Sauna?
People under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by a parent or trusted guardian over the age of 18, the entire duration of their session. This is a hard rule and is based on the safety of our clients and their guests.
Am I Responsible For The Safety Of Myself And My Guests?
Yes! Absolutely!
As a client of Rustic Saunas, You will be required to go through a short training session lead by one of our experts, And sign off on a few key points to ensure we are on a mutual understanding of operation and safety techniques.
Ultimately, You will be responsible for the Education, Health and Safety of your guests, So it will be up to you to ensure the sauna is monitored, and guests are informed so everyone can enjoy a good time safely.
A Liability waiver will also need to be signed by the client renting our portable sauna. This will cover you and the guests you choose to invite.
Can I tow Your sauna?
Unfortunately we cannot allow clients to tow our sauna.
We will deliver and set it up for you!
Can you deliver to a Campsite/Park/Special Location?
Rustic saunas understands the desire to have a wood fired sauna when camping or enjoying outdoor activities.
Infact, This is one of the main reasons Rustic Saunas builds portable saunas!
We can deliver our Premiere rustic Sauna to special locations by request. Extra fees would be determined when the discussion is had! Get in touch with us @ rusticsaunas@gmail.com
Can I Touch the walls? They Look So Nice!
Our Rustic Sauna walls are Raw and untreated and are very susceptible to stains and damage when touched.
So we kindly ask our clients to remind their guests to Please keep their hands butt and feet on the floor, rests or seat!
The sauna has foot rests and back rests that are protected, Along with the benches.
Sauna How to FAQ
How long should I stay in the sauna?
Everyone is different, and sauna should be used within your limits. Most first timers will benefit from a medium temp (around 65-75 celsius) in 15 minute intervals with a break in between each session.
As your body gets used to it you may feel fine for longer periods at higher heat, But Less is generally more, Too much can leave you disoriented dizzy and sick.
30-45 minutes is an ideal total session time.
Is using a sauna dangerous?
Using a sauna may be dangerous for the few with preexisting health conditions such as heart issues, Seizures, Or blood pressure issues. Or if the user is impaired from alcohol or other intoxicants.
But for the overwhelming majority, Sauna use has been found to be quite beneficial in increasing blood flow, Removing toxins from the body, reducing the risk of vascular diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and neurocognitive diseases; nonvascular conditions such as pulmonary diseases; mortality; as well as amelioration of conditions such as arthritis, headache, and flu. The beneficial effects of sauna bathing on these outcomes have been linked to its effect on circulatory, cardiovascular, and immune functions.
More in Depth info Can Be Found Here:
How Do I Start / Feed / Manage the Sauna?
​Our Rustic Sauna Experts will inform you of everything you need to know upon delivery of a rental sauna or completion of your own backyard sauna.
The basics are pretty simple though. Fuel the stove with wood, But dont go overboard, Light it up, wait 45 to 60 minutes, And Relax! Add a little bit more wood as necessary! Add water to the rocks at your leisure!
Sauna Owner FAQ
What are the laws regarding backyard sauna construction?
This follows the same rules as an accessory structure. AKA: a shed. So as long as the guidelines are followed, There is no problems.
-pitched roof 4 m height maximum (Our models are generally as small as 7 feet high!)
-107sqft max. No permits Required (Our largest model is only 80 sq ft!)
-2 feet from the property line
Should I choose electric or wood fired?
Rustic saunas believes in traditional saunas using wood fired stoves, For both the high heat, and low low cost of fueling the stove year round.
Initially, Wood fired seems more expensive than electric, but ends up being much cheaper in the long run.
For those who are older, Incapable due to injuries or ongoing health issues, Or those who just don't have the time to harvest wood, And don't want to have to worry about buying wood, Electric may be the better bet.
But going electric can leave you with more hidden costs and end up being less economical overall.
Running an electric sauna heater will require permits, and the expertise of a licensed electrician. Both incurring unknown costs. Not to mention the ongoing electricity cost.
*Those wishing to reach traditional Finnish sauna temps in the 80-100 Celsius range should consider the wood stove option,
If you go the wood fired route, the only expense is the wood stove upgrade that will last a lifetime. And Rustic saunas installs the wood stoves, leaving you a working and ready to use sauna.
(Wood permits in Alberta are Free and you can gather more than enough wood for a whole year in one trip)
How long does the build take?
Our small team strives to have your customized Rustic Sauna completed within a 3 week window from groundbreaking to your first sauna session. Of course not every project is the same, and that means the time line may be a bit flexible.
Will we need to landscape the area where the sauna will go?
Yes, A Little bit.
The area where the sauna will go must be level and able to support the sauna and have some drainage underneath.
If your yard has grass, We would pull up the grass and dig down a few inches to add gravel, and then level everything in preparation for the build.
Will I be able to constantly give you input as things progress?
During the build we will provide you several opportunities to voice your opinions, Concerns, and provide more input into the final product.
Other than those specific times, We will not be taking input, As we are trying to complete the sauna in as short a time as possible!